Andlid Bio Solutions Consulting & Strains                                               

About us

At this early stage ABS is a one person company. I did my doctoral work on yeasts as probiotics and feed in aquaculture at Department of General & Marine Microbiology at Göteborg University. Some of that work is even more relevant today, to decrease overfishing of endangered populations and instead increase sustainable aquaculture, and reduce use of antibiotics.

After dissertation 1995 I held a post-doctoral position at UCT in Cape Town, South Africa working on beneficial microbes in aquaculture farming of the Abalone Haliotis midae (high value large marine mollusk, deliscious and expensive at restaurants, and sought after also for its paerlemon shells used as decorative inlays in e.g. guitars).

Returning home I recieved a research position at Food Science, Department of Biology & Biotechnology, Chalmers University of Technology. I built up and led research in food microbiology and food biotechnology, and became Associate Professor in food and nutrition science 2004. I stayed for 24 years,

Throughout the years, research was combined with teaching (e.g examiner for the master courses "Food Microbiology" and "Food Biotechnology") and also in Mocambique and Indonesia. The third type of work was educational commissions such as Study Director for doctoral students in bioscience and head of master program in biotechnology.

I supervised many doctoral students, postdocs and various thesis students and was project leader for many projects, often involving companies in the areas of food, biotech, yeast and feed.

Together with my co-workers I have published around 60 articles in international scientific journals. Publishing science and collaborating with other researchers remain important for me.

External consultants

Andlid Bio Solutions has external consultants supporting the company:

Dr Ricardo Vazquez Juarez
Laboratorio de Genomica y Bioinformatica
CIBNOR, La Paz, Mexico
Head of the Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics

Expertise: Microbial genomics and bioinformatics, aquaculture probiotics, yeast biology

Prof Paola Mattarelli
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Academic discipline: AGR/16 Agricultural Microbiology
University of Bologna, Italy

Expertise: microbial taxonomy of Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, probiotics and prebiotics, microbiota of animal and human gut, essential oils.

Prof Joakim Norbeck
Associate Professor
Department of Life Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology

Expertice: molecular biology, proteomics and yeast

PIcture: Abalone - partly endangered and farmed in for instance South Africa


Photo: Tomas Tengby

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Key References